Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the programme is Wales wide with 86 eligible areas with at least one area in each Local Authority area.
Yes, we anticipate being able to fund between 6 and 10 organisations.
The eligible areas have been identified from a new index we have developed, focusing on community resilience. The index ranks all small areas in Wales according to deprivation and community infrastructure challenges. According to this data, eligible areas experience the dual disadvantage of deprivation and community infrastructure challenges. The data will be published in full in September 2023.
We anticipate there will be a geographical spread across Wales, however each application will be judged on its own merits.
It would be highly unlikely two organisations from the same area receiving funding.
Yes, the funding can be used for revenue or capital or a mixture of both.
No, we will be funding existing organisations that are addressing a challenge. We’re really interested in funding projects that will future proof the organisation and support organisations become more sustainable.
There is £150,000 available over the four years, it is completely up to organisations applying to determine how that is spread across the four years.
Yes, you can apply for up to £150,000.
We will look at these cases on a case-by-case basis. Organisations must ensure they meet the Eligibility criteria which includes having local community involvement and control.
Yes, the funding can be used for Match funding for Welsh Government Transforming Towns Fund or any other funds.
The input from BCT will depend on the support needs of the organisation. We anticipate some will need a little support and others may need more support.
The application form is a simple application form, BCT will support organisations through the process to ensure this is not a barrier.
The application process opened at the beginning of July and will remain open until 20th December 2023. To ensure BCT can support your application we ask you to make initial contact with us before 6th October.
Organisations will receive notification in February 2024.
Yes, we can make the application form available, however we would encourage you to have initial discussions with BCT before starting any work on the application form.
Yes, if we don’t think your organisation is eligible, we will let you know at the earliest point.
Yes, a member of BCT staff would work with you to support the application process, this will involve visiting your project.
No, we only have resources for one round of funding under this programme.
Yes, receiving National Lottery funding would not be a barrier to being eligible for this funding.
Yes, we are looking for organisations that provide a range of services to the local community.
Unfortunately, all of the Invest Local Areas are not eligible to apply as they have already received £1million per area.
Not necessarily, BCT will discuss this with you.
Yes. The research underpinning this decision will be published in late September and will be available on our website.
Yes, we would be open to receive bids from organisations working collaboratively together. We would encourage this being discussed with BCT at an early stage.
No, we expect your organisation to be Community led/controlled and know the needs of your local community, we don’t require any additional community engagement to support this application.
Yes, please feel free to circulate to any organisations you feel maybe eligible.
We would expect a significant amount of work or benefit to the eligible area, if this were the case we would encourage you to have a discussion with us.
It is unlikely Town and community Councils would be eligible.
Applications will be initially assessed on merit. From those applications which are then deemed of sufficient we will then seek to have both a geographical balance and some diversity about the types of organisation we fund. We are certainly open to funding more than one bid in any particular county.
We consulted with a wide range of organisations including CVCs, Cwmpas, Coalfields Regeneration Trust, the National Lottery, Invest Local Groups and other community organisations.
We would be unlikely to fund an organisation with large amounts of undesignated reserves.
Organisations of this nature would not meet the eligibility criteria of being community Controlled/Led.