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Our mission is to enable residents to build on the strengths and talents within their communities and take action to make their areas even better places to live. We do this through offering communities funding, support, opportunities for sharing and learning, and the chance to influence organisations whose decisions affect them.

Our Invest Local programme has people at its heart, supporting communities to achieve their goals. We believe that this community-led approach will:

  • Allow communities to choose what they think are the best ways to achieve their goals

  • Equip local people with the skills, confidence and expertise that they need to lead the work – both now and in the future.

  • Enable residents to play an active part in identifying goals for the area and developing activities that will bring positive change to their communities

  • Build an awareness among communities of the area’s strengths and talents

Learning, sharing and advocacy are also a central part of what we do. We work to bring community organisations across Wales together to share the experiences and learn from each other. And we also draw from the learning from Invest Local and the experiences of other communities to advocate for policies and funding arrangements that will allow all communities in Wales to thrive.