Chris Johnes Chief Executive

07736 158 817


Chris has many years of experience as a leader in the not-for-profit sector, with a commitment to social justice and promoting public voices in decision-making.

Before joining BCT he held two roles at Oxfam GB. These were Director of Oxfam UK’s Poverty Programme, where he led the charity’s high-profile campaigning work on food poverty, as well as strategic development, partnership building and fundraising and Head of Oxfam Cymru where he significantly expanded Oxfam’s anti-poverty programme and led campaigning on global issues around climate change and aid, extending Oxfam’s influence among Welsh Government and civil society.

Chris’s most extensive work in supporting communities in Wales came in his role as national Coordinator of the Communities First Support Network (CFSN) where for seven years he led a partnership of eight organisations providing support to Communities First partnerships and social enterprises across all parts of Wales.

He has also worked at the National Assembly for Wales and worked in two community development charities and a civic organisation in South Africa. He is currently a board member of Egni Coop.

Chris is now a retired rugby coach and can be found at his happiest on top of a Welsh mountain.

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